Mokan Law
Kansas City Personal Injury Attorneys Share Three Top Tips for Safe Highway Holiday Travel
Depending on where you live and where you work, highway driving may not be a daily occurrence for you. Often most of our day to day trips keep us on the same local streets and roads. However, holiday travel is different and often takes you on roads that you may not have traveled for…
Kansas City Personal Injury Attorney Warns of Food Recalls in Advance of the Holidays
Once upon a time, the scariest critters known to humanity were large beasts. Now, the things that frighten us most cannot even be seen with the naked eye. Lions, tigers, and bears have been replaced with listeria, E. coli, and salmonella. And of course, just in time for the holiday season, another round of food…
Kansas City Personal Injury Attorneys Share Tips to Stay Alert as Part of Drowsy Driving Prevention Week
If you have ever gotten behind the wheel, feeling not quite so bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, you are not alone. The National Sleep Foundation (“Sleep Foundation”) found that around 60 percent of drivers report having driven while drowsy. A drowsy driver puts not only him or herself in danger but also puts everyone else on the…
Kansas City Injury Attorneys Remind Parents About “National Teen Driver Safety Week”
Ask any parent of a child 15.5 to 17 years of age, what stresses them out more than anything, and the answer will often be him or her “driving.” It does not take a control freak to understand the inherent dread parents feel while sitting in the passenger seat while their child gets behind the…
Kansas City Personal Injury Attorneys Explain Compensatory Damages
Whenever someone is involved in an accident, there are what attorneys refer to as damages. Simply put, damages are losses that the at-fault party (could be a person or an entity) must compensate the injured party for. The purpose of damages is to put the injured party back in the same position he or she…
Kansas City Personal Injury Attorneys Outline The Essential Steps To Take If Hit By A Drunk Driver
Fortunately, only a small percentage of Americans will ever be involved in an accident with a drunk driver. However, the likelihood is still higher than most of us would like it to be. The important thing to know if you do find yourself in that situation is how to protect yourself. The steps taken in…
Kansas City Personal Injury Attorneys Provide Insight into Catastrophic Injury Cases
When a person is involved in a major accident, their whole world changes. For some accident victims, the change is temporary, and life begins to return to normal after a relatively short period. It may take weeks or months, or in some cases a year, but after time their lives, for the most part, are…
Kansas City Personal Injury Attorneys Ask Motorists “Is Your Behavior Behind the Wheel Putting You at Risk?”
In the United States, roadway crashes are a major cause of injuries and deaths. The saddest part about this fact is that most of the accidents that happen every year are caused by human error. While “to err may be human,” (Alexander Pope, “Essay on Criticism”) it does not mean that all errors are unavoidable.…
Kansas City Catastrophic Injury Attorneys Discuss Summer Burn Injuries
The first thing that comes to mind, when people think of summer is usually the hot weather. Indeed, the months of July, August, and even September are often known for scorching temperatures. But did you know that the summer months are also prime time for burn injuries? To keep you and your family ouch-free this…
Kansas City Personal Injury Attorneys Discuss the Other Leading Causes of Traumatic Brain Injuries
Traumatic brain injuries (“TBI”), or an injury involving a jolt or blow to the brain, can range in severity from mild, like a concussion, to quite serious or even be fatal. Even if a person survives a traumatic brain injury, he or she may have lifelong consequences. Since there is no cure for traumatic brain…