Mokan Law
Kansas City Personal Injury Attorneys Ask: Do you know what to do in the aftermath of an accident?
Most good things in life require some degree of advanced preparation. Whether it is a wedding, the first day of school, or a camping trip, most events just do not happen without planning. Sure, some people like to plan more than others, but a certain minimum amount of effort is necessary. The same is true…
Kansas City Injury Attorneys Discuss the Dangers of Driving After Dark
The person who came up with the saying that “nothing good happens after dark” must have been referring to driving after dark. While day time driving is not necessarily a walk in the park, night time driving is much riskier. In fact, accident related deaths are three times greater after dark compared to during the…
Kansas City Personal Injury Attorneys Offer Tips to Prevent Young Pedestrian Accidents
Your children are your world. You will do anything in your power to keep them safe. However, as a parent, it is not an easy job. It can be tough to protect a child in every possible scenario. Parents are always trying to do their best, but sometimes children still get hurt. Since walking or…
Kansas City Personal Injury Attorneys Bust Top Motorcycle Safety Myths
If you repeat something often enough, even if it is not true, the thought is that people will start to believe it. This is how myths often begin. Myths usually begin quite innocently but can have dangerous consequences when people take the information as the truth and then act upon it. Trying to separate fact…
Kansas City Injury Attorneys Tell Parents: It is Not Too Late to Protect Your Teen Driver
Every parent dreads the day that their son or daughter is handed their driver’s license. Sure, it will be nice that they can drive themselves to school, home from soccer practice, and their part-time job on the weekend. Oh, and yes, it will be especially helpful that they now can cart their younger siblings around…
Kansas City Personal Injury Attorneys Discuss Top Summertime Accidents
Summer is a great time for a kid to be a kid. Long summer days give kids plenty of time to play and have fun. However, emergency department physicians know the three-month period between spring and fall as “trauma season.” In fact, trauma centers tend to see double the amount of traumatic injuries in children…
Why You Should Have a Kansas City Business Law Attorney Review Your Commercial Lease
As a human being, we are not perfect creatures. While human beings are much more advanced than other life forms, we are far from infallible creatures. In fact, it seems no matter how much more innovative the human race has become, it seems like there are certain pitfalls that we just cannot seem to escape.…
Kansas City Personal Injury Attorneys Discuss Dog Bite Prevention Tips
You can tell it is summer because everyone is outside enjoying the warm the weather. The longer days implore people to spend as much time as possible outdoors. Quickly days are filled with family picnics and barbecues, long walks to the ice cream shop, and trips to the park. There is just something about summer…
Kansas City Injury Attorneys Stress the Importance of Quality Gear to Prevent Road Rash
One of the biggest differences between driving a car and riding a motorcycle is what behind the wheel needs to do in preparation to hit the road. For the driver of the car, this preparation is practically non-existent. An automobile driver simply hops in his or her vehicle, fastens the safety belt, and he or…
Kansas City Personal Injury Attorneys Discuss of Nursing Home Red Flags
One day, after a visit to your loved one in a nursing home, you find yourself feeling a bit uneasy about the visit. Certain things just seemed “off.” You try to rationalize that your loved one is losing some of his memory with their advanced age and maybe, what he is telling you, it not…