Category: Business Law
Kansas City Business Attorneys Discuss Common Errors Owners Make When Renewing Commercial Lease
As a business owner, your number one priority is running your business. Whether you sell goods or provide a service, that is and ought to be your primary focus. However, as a business owner, you also know that there are things that you need to handle or that require your attention that you would rather…
Kansas City Business Attorneys Suggest New Business Start-Ups Hire An Attorney Early In The Process
Starting a new business is an exciting and chaotic experience. Unless you have done it before, many are unaware of the sheer amount of work it takes to go from concept to up and running. As a business owner, there are often many things requiring your immediate attentions, sometimes simultaneously, that you may find yourself…
Why You Should Have a Kansas City Business Law Attorney Review Your Commercial Lease
As a human being, we are not perfect creatures. While human beings are much more advanced than other life forms, we are far from infallible creatures. In fact, it seems no matter how much more innovative the human race has become, it seems like there are certain pitfalls that we just cannot seem to escape.…
Kansas City Business Law Attorneys Offer Tips For Selecting The Right Attorney For Your Business
As a business owner, your business is your pride and joy, your baby. Few people can understand and truly appreciate the amount of work it takes to start and grow a business. The amount of time and sweat equity put into any business can almost be compared to first-time parents caring for a newborn. The…
Avoiding Liability for Employee’s Cell Phone Related Accidents
Our law firm routinely receives calls from Kansas business owners inquiring about their liability for serious auto accidents where their employee is at-fault while engaged in company business. Juries throughout the country have been awarding motor vehicle accident victims massive judgments in cases where an employee causes catastrophic injuries or wrongful death in auto accidents…