Kansas City Injury Attorneys Caution Motorists about the Dangers of Summer Driving

If you asked a random motorist which season, summer or winter, he or she prefers to drive in, most people would expect the answer to overwhelming be “summer.” This could be that winter for many people means driving on roadways that are potentially snow and ice covered for a good portion of the season. Since slipping and sliding are no one’s idea of fun, people are often surprised when they learn that summer is the most dangerous of the two seasons to be on the roadways. In fact, historically the month of August has been the month with the highest number of fatal auto accidents. If you are shaking your head at how that can be, here some of the reasons that make summer driving dangerous:

  • More travelers. With the kiddos off of school for a few months, summer is the perfect time for families to hit the road. However, they are not the only ones. College students and beach lovers are also packing up and hitting the road to their favorite seaside destinations. An increase in the number of drivers on the roads means congestion, which can cause slowdowns. Travelers are also likely to be going either a little too fast (eager to get to their destination) or a little too slow (looking out of the window, enjoying the tourist attractions, or simply lost). All of this means one thing, the potential for accidents increases.
  • More construction. If you have heard the joke “[w]hat are the only two seasons in ____ (insert state name here)? Answer – “winter and road construction”, then chances are you have traveled through a state where road construction seems to last all summer long. Construction areas require drivers to slow down and be on alert for events like lanes ending and flaggers.
  • More motorcycles and bicycles. If you are a bicyclist or motorcycle enthusiast, then summer is the season you wait for every year. For non-cyclist drivers, this means remembering how to share the road.
  • More young, inexperienced drivers. Schools are out, and that also makes for an increased number of young drivers on the roads. Teens and other young drivers are more accident prone due to their general lack of experience behind the wheel. Unfortunately, more teens on the roadways mean trouble for all the non-teen drivers on the road as well.
  • More sun. Hot sunny weather can buckle roadways, cause worn tires to blow out, and blind drivers. It can also cause cars that can become saunas in a matter of seconds or minutes. Each year pets and children die from being left in hot cars.
  • More drunk drivers. Summer gives us many occasions to get out, celebrate and enjoy yourself every weekend. With family reunions, ball games, festivals, golf outings, picnics, and vacations, summer can feel like a non-stop party. However, this also means that there are more people out drinking and driving.

If you or a loved one suffered serious injuries after being involved in an auto accident the experienced Personal Injury Attorneys at Hubbard & Kurtz, L.L.P. can help. Our team of skilled Kansas City Personal Injury Attorneys will work diligently to make sure that you receive compensation for your injuries. Trust the Personal Injury Attorneys at Hubbard & Kurtz, L.L.P. to help you, just as they have helped countless injured victims around the area, both in Kansas and Missouri. To find out how the attorneys at Hubbard & Kurtz, L.L.P. can assist you with your injury case, contact our office today at (816) 472-4673 to schedule a consultation. At Hubbard & Kurtz, L.L.P. we strive to provide injury victims with outstanding legal services.


