Posts Tagged ‘New Technology to Prevent Distracted Driving’

Missouri Auto Accident Lawyers Discuss New Technology to Prevent Distracted Driving Dangers?

Monday, May 9th, 2011

Even more drivers engage in distracted driving practices than drunk driving because it is so easy to glance at one’s cell phone and read a text message.  The U.S. Department of Transportation has characterized the surge in cell phone related distracted driving as an epidemic.  Many states including Kansas have passed distracted driving laws in an effort to reduce serious Kansas auto accident caused by drivers caused by cell phones.  Some technology companies have recently joined this effort to reduce driver distraction by implementing the use of new cell phone applications designed to activate a driving mode that puts a phone on silent mode.  A number of new technological innovations have been designed to reduce the impact of cell phones on drivers.

It is still unclear whether new technology will actually promote a decreased distraction level or actually make the problem worse.  The development of bluetooth technology created the ability to limit cell phone use to hands free calls.  Some states embraced this development and limited cell phone calling to hands free calls only.  However, these laws have not proved successful in reducing auto accidents related to cell phone use.  The fact that hands free devices do not reduce accident risks is being provided as an explanation for why in certain states cell phone bans have not resulted in reduced accident rates despite the fact there is clearly established evidence that cell phone use while driving results in an increased number of car accidents.  The accident rates for hands free use of a cell phone do not appear to be any different than cell phone use with a handset.  The theory is that the most serious form of distraction caused by cell phone use may be mental distraction which is equally present with a hands free or handheld cell phone.

Another technology that some believe offers promise in reducing cell phone related distracted driving is cell phones that respond to voice commands.   Voice-enabled technology still results in a cognitive distraction.  This technology would permit a driver to use his or her voice to compose and send a text message.  This would eliminate the visual and manual distraction associated with cell phone use for calls and texting while driving.  It has already been established that changing the radio station can distract drivers and endanger their safety.  Changing the radio in one’s car manually requires all three forms of driver distraction visual, cognitive and manual.  Voice-activated technology would remove two of these types of distraction.

Another form of technology, which is being voluntarily implemented by some parents to prevent their teens from texting and driving, disables a cell phone when a car is being driven.  It is possible this technology could become standard in all vehicles in the future.  This technology could be very effective in alleviating the distracted driving epidemic because cell phone use behind the wheel would be completely eliminated.  While talking and texting on a cell phone is the most common cell phone related driving distraction, the expanded capabilities of cell phones is creating new distractions.  Many drivers use cell phones to surf the internet, watch movies, monitor GPS positioning or check Facebook accounts.

It appears that texting while driving is the most serious distracted driving cell phone practice.  Text messaging distracts a driver on all three levels of distraction including visual, manual, and cognitive.  Kansas has recognized the serious risk associated with text messaging while driving.  A new Kansas law enacted in January 2011 penalizes drivers for texting while driving.  Police may now issue tickets when observing an individual texting while behind the wheel even if the driver is stopped at a red light.  This law is also applicable to novice drivers, such as those driving under a learner’s permit or intermediate-licensed drivers who are under the age of 20.

These new technologies combined with laws to implement these technologies may eventually reduce the risk associated with cell phone related distracted driving.  Many Kansas residents will continue to suffer serious injury or even death at the hands of distracted drivers using their cell phone to call or text.

If you have been injured or lost a loved one in a Kansas distracted driving accident, our Missouri auto accident lawyers are merely a phone call away.